Emerald Coast Veterinary Conference

Miramar Beach, FL
MAY 28 - JUNE 1, 2025
20 CE Hours

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening

FREE to attend!
This is a great opportunity to bring the family to the Exhibit Hall and have some fun while you get your first look at our Exhibit Hall and all the wonderful vendors! Family friendly games, photo booth and balloon art are just some of the fun things we will have in store.

This event is sponsored by the ECVC Industry Council.

Wednesday, May 28


5:00 - 6:30pm CST​

Golf Tournament

Join your colleagues and save on greens fees on Friday afternoon while you play 18 holes on Baytowne Golf Course, one of the Southeast’s finest greens. Be sure to thank the sponsors at each hole - golfers will save more than $100 off of ticket price, thanks to these companies!

Friday, May 30


1:30pm CST

Beer by the Pool

Sponsored by:

Visualize it: Salty breeze, floating in the pool, a cool beer in your hand and not a care in the world. Bring a friend, it's free to attend!

Thursday, May 30


1:00pm CST

Alumni Reunions

We're excited to, once again, host Auburn and Tuskegee for their annual Alumni Reunion for ECVC Attendees.

Alexa, play "Reunited" by Peaches & Herb

More details coming soon. Dates and time vary; please check with your school for details.

ALVMA Awards Luncheon

Join ALVMA members at 1 pm in the for the ALVMA awards and installation of new officers. Ticketed lunch is available for $50, but is not required for awards ceremony.

Thursday, May 29


1:00 - 3:00pm CST